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Swimming with the sea lions – Red Travel Mexico
When you find yourself in Baja California Sur and it’s not whale or whale shark season, what else can you do?View full post »
The best places for photography in the American Southwest
Some of the best places in the world for photography can be found in the American Southwest.
The Southwest is one of myView full post »
A guide to the top 10 things to do in Seattle!
I have never done a list of things to do in Seattle – the city I know best!
Can you believe it?
Well, it’sView full post »

Swimming with the sea lions – Red Travel Mexico
When you find yourself in Baja California Sur and it’s not whale or whale shark season, what else can you do?View full post »

The best places for photography in the American Southwest
Some of the best places in the world for photography can be found in the American Southwest. The Southwest is one of myView full post »

A guide to the top 10 things to do in Seattle!
I have never done a list of things to do in Seattle – the city I know best! Can you believe it? Well, it’sView full post »