5 Photos Friday!
I like the idea of inspiring people to travel through photography, and I have plenty of inspiring photos from my travels. 5 photos Friday is a way for me to collect a few nice photos and share them under one travel relevant topic, via a short and sweet blog post. You can look forward to it every Friday! At least that’s the plan!
5 photos to inspire you to take a hike
I’m a nature lover if you haven’t already figured that out. I love being outside, especially in the wilderness. Living in the Pacific Northwest, there is no shortage of incredible hikes available within minutes of my home in Seattle. I don’t hike as often as I’d like to locally, but when I travel hiking is almost always on the agenda.
Here is a collection of photos from some beautiful hikes that I haven taken over the years. I chose these photos because they show off the trail itself or hikers, giving the viewer a sense of place and scale. Sorry, I don’t have the names of every trail. :/

A trail in Grand Teton National Park.

Hiker (Dave) in Canyonlands National Park.

Hikers in the distance at Mt. Baker.

Hiker (Dave again!) admiring the grand view above Skogafoss in Iceland.

Trail along a ridge at Ebey’s Landing State Park in WA.
Elena - Wow, you went to Iceland in winter! Yeah, you are right, those pictures make you wanna go out there and hike for a few days…At least that’s the effect on me :)
traciehowe - Yes! It was March, but still considered winter there. The Iceland landscape has that effect in person too! I just wanted to keep wandering forever. Too bad we weren’t equipped for that.
Andreja Jernejčič - Beautiful photos, which camera gear do you use?
traciehowe - Thank you Adreja! I think I used both the Canon 5DMII and 5DMIII for these shots.
Megsy - OMG, these photos are stunning!
traciehowe - Haha! Thanks for your enthusiastic comment Megsy!
Chris - Wow, some stunning landscapes here!
National Parks are certainly one thing that country of yours appears to do very well ;-)
traciehowe - Oh yes indeed! We have some good ones here for sure! I should maybe think about doing a National Parks post. Hmmm… thanks for the idea! ;)