My 2nd post! Really, this is just a filler post, to get some photos and text on the blog, but don’t tell anyone that! Feel free to skip the rambling on this one!
This winter in Seattle has been the best one I can remember. It has barely rained at all, minus the very recent and highly unusual mega downpour that woke many of us up the other night. And, not only has it been relatively warm, but now I have a real winter coat to keep me toasty! I used to just wear a million layers, or my giant man coat, but neither one was a practical or flattering solution. Anyway, I digress. My point is that it has been wonderful here in Seattle lately, and I have been taking the opportunity to shoot the early sunsets and blue hours in warm and dry comfort.
I’m so glad I’ve had the chance to practice regularly in preparation for my big Iceland trip. I’ve really been trying to get a handle on my night shooting workflow, if you can call it that. Usually I get the shots I want, but not without fumbling around in the dark with frozen hands, dropping filters, and pinching fingers. There must be no messing around in Iceland!
The following images are very recent. Taken over just the past couple of weeks.
The first two are from a quick trip to the Monorail and EMP at Seattle Center. These came about from my recent commissioned project to capture iconic places in Seattle.

The EMP and Seattle Monorail

Seattle’s Monorail entering the EMP with towering Space Needle above
This next one was taken just yesterday evening, after racing out to what I call “Tiny Beach” to capture the dramatic sky, only to realize that I was 5 minutes too late again! So, I traded the beach for the Pier by Golden Gardens. Since I couldn’t have the sky I wanted, I figured I’d try a new spot.

Pier at Dusk by Golden Gardens
Finally we have quirky, arty Fremont. I took the last photo this evening during the Fremont Art Walk. I probably stood there for an hour trying to get the right combination of car trails, but I’m pretty happy with the results. What do you think?

The Center of the Universe, Seattle’s Fremont